Let us not be justices of the peace, but angels of peace. --St. Theresa of Lisieux |
Click Angel image above to find out how to join and help promote the cause of Love and Peace throughout the world. Together we can make a difference! |
Prayer of St. Francis Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred...let me sow love. Where there is injury...pardon. Where there is discord...unity. Where there is doubt...faith. Where there is error...truth. Where there is despair...hope. Where there is sadness...joy. Where there is darkness...light. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek. To be consoled...as to console. To be understood...as to understand. To be loved...as to love. for It is in giving...that we receive. It is in pardoning...that we are pardoned. It is in dying...that we are born to eternal life. St. Francis |
Angel Of Love! This page contains some of my thoughts on how to make the world a better and happier place for us all to live in. I believe the biggest mistake we all make in trying to accomplish this is to try to figure out a way to fix all the problems our world faces at once, and then we get frustrated and give up when we can't accomplish this. I think it would be better not to set impossible tasks for ourselves, just take it one step at a time like we do in fixing anything else that's not working properly. This would allow us to reach our goals, one by one. It wouldn't be the immediate fix we are looking for, but when we do one thing right it always gives us a sense of pride and a burst of energy to start on a new goal, that is what restores our "HOPE". We can do this best by setting some rules for ourselves in how we deal with the people that are a part of our lives everyday. The best rule that I know of is "The Golden Rule:Do Unto Other's As You Would Have Them Do Unto You." You really can't go wrong with that one. Another one to consider is to never take your Loved One's for granted, because there are no guarantee's in this life and for some "Tomorrow Will Never Come" so make sure today that they know how much you "Love" them and how "Important" they are in your life. Finally it's a great thing to commit a "Random Act of Kindness", it doesn't have to be a big deal that takes you out of your way to matter to someone else, even if you never know just how much it mattered. If any of us think about it for just a minute, we will probably remember a time in our life when just a kind word or merely a smile from someone brightened a terrible day in our lives. I remember when my 27 year old brother was undergoing brain surgery after an automobile accident and I was totally devastated and praying with all my might for him to be okay when a woman that I had never seen before said "Honey is there anything I can do for you? I don't know what's wrong but the look on your face is so full of pain that I would do anything I could to help ease it." I told her "Thank You, but all anyone can do is say a prayer for my brother". She said she certainly would and then she brought me a box of Kleenex and a cup of coffee. We lost my brother 2 months later and I never even learned the kind lady's name, but that has been more than ten years ago and I still remember that "Wonderful Lady", and how much her kind act that only took a few minutes of her time, meant to me in my time of pain. Unfortunately she will never know just how much she mattered and how important she was that day, the point is even if we never know and never get the praise we deserve it is still worth it. |
Dedication's To Those That "Tomorrow Will Never Come" For ! Click on the "Stars" to visit the pages dedicated to those that "Tomorrow Will Never Come" for. Please take a few minutes to visit these pages, it will mean so very much to the people that worked so hard to create them to "Honor" their "Loved One"! Steve � � Ted � � Erin � � Derek � � Amanda |
Act's Of Kindness ! Here are some people that really need your "Prayer's", so please click on the praying hands image to go to my "Prayer" page to read about them and their need for your help. If you know of someone that need's to be added to my "Prayer" page please be sure to e-mail me and let me know. |
"The House Of Love And Support!" If you just need to feel surrounded by Love and Support click on the dove image below and it will take you there. |
Admiration, Appreciation, and Respect! These are all some wonderful sentiments, and when they are paid to a person at the time they are earned, it makes any hardship's that person may have had to go through in order to accomplish something well worth it. Unfortunately all to often these sentiments seem to be saved up and paid to the deceased. Although it is nice to have these sentiments and to continue to honor the deceased with them, they don't bring as much "Joy and Happiness" as they do to the living. This practice of saving these sentiments is actually taking people for granted until it is too late. Depression is one of the leading killers in our world today and that is really sad, because for the most part it is totally curable and even usually preventable. The good new's is that everyone can help in ridding our world of this awful disease. All it will take is for all of us to really hear and see each other, and give credit when credit is due, and never take anyone for granted. If we save these sentiments instead of giving them at the time they are earned it is likely that we will help to cause the person to enter a state of depression that increases with each new incident. This is because nothing is more disheartening than feeling that you have wasted your time, energy, and love because it wasn't appreciated. If on the other hand we pay these sentiments at the time they are due it is very likely that we will make the person feel "On Top Of The World", because it is a wonderful feeling to know that you have accomplished something good and the people involved know it and appreciate you. So, please try to never be too busy to notice the people in your life when they deserve your "Admiration, Appreciation, and Respect". It will really be good for us all and it is a way that we can all make a difference in the quality of life in our world today. |
These are my very own "Guardian Angel's", and believe me I need them to help watch over me as well as my pages. If you would like some of your very own just click on the image and it will take you somewhere magical to get your very own too! |
![]() This Angels Of The Net site is owned by Sandra Arnold (aka Angel Of Love). Want to join the Angels Of The Net? |
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Lifestream It is our effort to encircle our globe with Light, Life, Love and Goodwill. |
We invite you to join with us in the Lifestream Click on the globe to see how you can let your light shine Click on the stars to flow with the Lifestream |
The music you are listening to is "If Tomorrow Never Come's" a hit by Garth Brooks that I thought really matches the theme of this page. |