Though Angels are both the messengers and the message of God, that makes them no easier to receive. For one thing, we almost never recognize them, even when they knock at our door.
-F. Forrester Church


This site contains a "Missing Children's" page, click image to see if you might be able to help a child get back home!
 Please click the image above to see if you can identify any of these people. In doing so you will be helping to keep our children safe.
 I am very proud to be a member of "Ladies Of The Heart"!
 Please visit "My MIA", just click on the image above.

To all the doubter's and disbeliever's out there in the world I would like to answer the question, "Is there Love and Good on the Internet, or is it all the bad that get's brought out by the media?". I answer that question with a resounding "YES", just check out any of the "Ladies Of The Heart" pages, or "The House Of Love And Support" , then you will see that there is indeed Love and Good on the Internet. I could not possibly name all the site's on the Internet filled with Love and Good because I'm sure that I've only visited a fraction of them. My most heartfelt thank's to everyone that has chosen to use their little corner of the web to share all of this Love with everyone else out here in Cyberspace. My love and best wishes to all.

"Make an Angel happy, please sign my Guestbook before you leave!"

e-mail I'd love to hear from you! And I would love suggestion's for improvement.

Of Love's Page's

for this page by Sandra Arnold.
This page updated on April 03, 1999.

The Graphic's on this page are originals by Angel Of Love Graphic's.
