The Meaning Of Awards To Me! I wanted to take a moment to tell you what receiving an award meant to me and why they are special. Receiving an award means that you have touched the life or heart of at least one person in a positive way and that in itself is very special. A lot of people in the world today seem to think that your degree of success in life is decided by how many material possession's you have. I don't believe that, I think that the degree of success in life depends on the number of lives and hearts that you have touched in a positive way. An award is just another way of saying you are appreciated. The following is not an award but I received it on a card of appreciation and friendship from a very wonderful friend that I am very lucky to have. She has definitely touched my life and my heart in a very positive way and she is greatly appreciated. You can get to know this wonderful person better here Ladee Di.

Cherished Friends God must have known there would be times We'd need a word of cheer Someone to praise a triumph Or brush away a tear.
He must have known we'd need to share The joy of "little things" In order to appreciate The happiness life brings.
I think He knew our troubled hearts Would sometimes throb with pain At trials or misfortunes Or some goals we can't attain.
He knew we'd need the comfort Of an understanding heart To give us strength and courage To make a fresh, new start.
He knew we'd need companionship Unselfish...lasting...true So God answered the hearts greatest need With Cherished you.
To: Sandra
From: Diana
This is the card I tried to send you the other day. Just wanted you to know
that I really do cherish the friendship we have even thou we have never met.
You are a special LADY and I am glad I found you on the Internet. What did
we do before the Internet? LOL Love you.....Hugs!!!!!


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for this page by Sandra Arnold.
page updated on March 17, 1999.
