I want to thank you all for these wonderful awards, they mean so very much to me. I am very proud and honored to display them on my page. My love and best wishes to you all.

 Thank you Anne "Celura's Lair"

 Thank you Sharon "Angelheart's Homepage"

 This is "The Absinth Rose" that Anne sent me. Thank you Anne, I Love You "Celura's Lair"

 Thank you Keith and Gail "Angel's Touch"

 Thank you Donna "My Angel's Haven"

 Thank you LadyK "The Caring Place"

 Thank you MissTique "Featured Ladies Of The Heart"

 Thank you Jaci ReAnn This one is special. "Jaci ReAnn's Home Page"


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for this page by Sandra Arnold.
page updated on March 17, 1999.
